A painting of me

Fred's Not Here

   19 November 2004, the wee hours

I met Mezan after work, and the two of us made our way to Pikto to drop off some slide film I wanted to get cross-processed. We met Carvill later at Union Station. The three of us made our way to Fred’s Not Here, which I had remembered being much better then it actually was.

Ugly décor and fairly slow service started our meal. The table cloths in the restaurant were covered with white paper, which I have usually seen at other restaurants accompanied with crayons to draw on. For the Fall, the restaurant is offering 2-courses for 25 dollars, which may sound like a deal, but trust me when I say it is not.

We all ordered Kobe Beef Burgers, which sounded quite good. I don’t think we’ll ever know if they actually were or not, since the waiter came out and told us while we were eating our appetizers that they had run out of the burgers. I ended up ordering Sole, Carvill got some Salmon, and Mezan some Beef Brisket. The appetizers were good I would say, the highlight of the meal. I had a Crab and Lobster Bisk that was quite enjoyable. Unfortunatly, the mains were all really disappointing. I don’t think the food was bad, it just wasn’t good—at all. Swiss Chalet would have been a better use of our money. Little things, like the fact the bread and butter they served us were all hard as a rock didn’t help matters.

The funny thing is, I enjoyed Fred’s Not Here the first time I was there. I’m not quite sure what was so different this time.



  1. Yes, that was the worst dining experience I’ve had in recent memory.

  2. oh wow, i’m really suprised.

    i, too, was very impressed with Fred’s when i dined there back in the spring.

    hmmmm, i don’t recall them having paper table cloths.

    new management maybe?

  3. That place sucks, we did summerliscious there, and it was horrible…however, I also enjoyed the lobster bisk….and Ram, the service is always crappy….

  4. They had real table clothes, but had thin white paper on top of them. That is lame.

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