A painting of me

Juana Molina @ The Horseshoe

   14 June 2005, lunch time

I met up with Rishi late on Sunday night to attend a concert at the Horseshoe; the last band I saw there was fucking amazing. The singer we were going to see was Juana Molina from Argentina. She is apparently a former sketch comedy star turned singer. Sounds like a strange transition to make, I know, but she has certainly done a great job making it.

Her set was very acoustic. She stood alone on stage with a guitar around her neck, a lone microphone, and an assortment of keyboards and other electronic devices to her side. She would sit and play some music on a keyboard for a few moments, very melodious ambient stuff, then the background music would kick in, she would turn to the microphone, pick up her guitar, and starting singing and playing. It was very impressive to watch. All the more so when I realized the stuff she was playing at the start of her songs were all the loops that would play during her songs. What I had assumed was preprogrammed background music was in fact the things she was playing at the start of each song. Her live show was really quite amazing.

I liked all the songs she did. Rishi called me up on very short notice, and I’m glad he did. It was one of the most unique shows I’ve been to. She is playing in Montreal in July. If you are in the city, you should check her out.



  1. I heard about her on cbc 1… She sounded pretty awesome. Glad someone went to see it. gotta be proud of the motherland…

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