A painting of me

The Constant Gardener

   1 September 2005, terribly early in the morning

I just finished watching The Constant Gardener with my cousin. Holy fucking shit that was a good movie. I have rewritten this post a few times, but I think that about sums it up. You need to watch this film. What a follow-up to City of God. Fernando Meirelles is a genius.

The official The Constant Gardener web site.



  1. Also, Rachel Weisz is hot.

  2. Really?

  3. Hells yes.

  4. ramanan! was that really necessary? 8o|

  5. Oh my goodness! I’m going on vacation for the weekend. I plant to see Constant Gardner then… glad you liked it Ramanan, I trust your taste in films.

  6. Let me know what you think. I honestly can’t think of some part of the film I didn’t like. Everything is basically perfect. The camera work and editing in particular are amazing.

  7. Will do…

  8. ya, so, i went and saw this last night. i was underwhelmed. technically and visually, the movie is stunning. but i thought the plot never got much outside “big bad corporate conspiracy”.

    I think City of God is one the top 5 movies ever and ever since I saw that in theatres a couple years ago literally everything has pailed in comparison. So, one could say I had pretty high expectations.

  9. Expectations can be a real killer (or booster).

  10. I haven’t seen City of God again recently, but I think I liked this film more. I think I like depressing movies more in general though. I thought they were both excellent films.

  11. I don’t understand your utter amazement with this film.

  12. Not being able to understand Ram’s amazement with other films is a great help in understanding his amazement with this film. I watched it last night knowing nothing more than it being 79% fresh, and I thought it was really good.

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