A painting of me

Wong Faye

   1 September 2006, early afternoon

Faye Wong’s first album with EMI after leaving Cinepoly was the self-titled Faye Wong. I’m listening to it right now. It is probably her best album; it’s certainly my favourite. It opens with the slow and soothing Anasthaesia, and moves on from there. You’re Happy, So I’m Happy, I Don’t Wanna Be This Way Either, Making A Fuss, and Reminiscence are some other great tracks. (That last song is a cover of a Cocteau Twins track.) It was the second album by her that I bought. I really wish she was still making music.



  1. You are speaking about this album with such passion and enthusiasm that I’ve got a desire to buy it :-)

  2. It’s an amazing album. She has several really solid albums to be honest. I don’t think any other Cantopop singer comes close to having her talent.

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