It snowed today. I woke up this morning to discover my alarm wasn't working. The power had gone out in the night I suppose. Lucky for me it was 7:45. I set my clock again to the correct time, re-set my alarm, and went back to bed. I woke up again to discover my alarm wasn't working. The power had gone out again. This time it was 9:30. I have class at 10:00. More importantly I have an assignment due at 10:00. I started rushing to get ready. Ready to leave, I realized that there was snow everywhere. I don't know where the hell it came from, since when I went to bed the previous night there was a thunder storm going on.
Now, at 11:20 on a Thursday night, I am writing up solutions to a graph theory assignment, and trying to figure out how to show the Diffie Hellman problem can be solved with an oracle that can compute a^(x^2) given (a^x). God Damn.
This site is dead. Check out my new web site A Funkaoshi Production.
A simple blog of sorts. Updated sporadically at best. Here you will find my opinions on various topics of interest to me, or the goings on of my day. Yes, it's quite exciting I know.
Next: We Must Abuse the Broadband