I'm back home for the weekend. Last night was spent at Jade's Halloween party. I didn't have a costume, but Jen found some jacket her mom had bought in the 70s that was pimped out to the max, so I wore that over some of my regular clothes to fit in.
Carvill came over today and we watched the second Lord of the Rings film. I can't wait for the third movie. Apparently Ju-lians fears it had been delayed were unfounded, so I'm hoping it will be out this Christmas like its predecessors.
My Graph Theory midterm on monday will be the last midterm I write for 4A. The past two weeks have been crazy.
This site is dead. Check out my new web site A Funkaoshi Production.
A simple blog of sorts. Updated sporadically at best. Here you will find my opinions on various topics of interest to me, or the goings on of my day. Yes, it's quite exciting I know.
Next: Got Rocked.