What do you see when you look at my homepage? I'm curious. Here is what I see. Now, if you are using Mozilla, Safari, Opera, then you should see what I see. On the other-hand, if you are using IE, I'm quite sure all bets are off. My goal is to fix the site so that it works for everyone. I think that is really the whole point of the web. I hate seeing pages that say, "best viewed with blah."
Please let me know if what you see doesn't match what I see, and what browser you are using.
Also, all you PC users, you should really switch to Mozilla Firefox. I am really curious to find out what IE6 does better then Firefox.
Site looks great in Safari. Oh yeah.
[Posted by ramanan on March 10, 2004 01:58 PM]This might help those of you with IE that refuse to upgrade, http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/03/12/0454228 . But right now the article has, of course, /.'d the source.
[Posted by Dave on March 12, 2004 08:19 AM]This site is dead. Check out my new web site A Funkaoshi Production.
A simple blog of sorts. Updated sporadically at best. Here you will find my opinions on various topics of interest to me, or the goings on of my day. Yes, it's quite exciting I know.
Next: My URLs.