March 10, 2004 01:55 PM This Webpage.

What do you see when you look at my homepage? I'm curious. Here is what I see. Now, if you are using Mozilla, Safari, Opera, then you should see what I see. On the other-hand, if you are using IE, I'm quite sure all bets are off. My goal is to fix the site so that it works for everyone. I think that is really the whole point of the web. I hate seeing pages that say, "best viewed with blah."

Please let me know if what you see doesn't match what I see, and what browser you are using.

Also, all you PC users, you should really switch to Mozilla Firefox. I am really curious to find out what IE6 does better then Firefox.

Comments on This Webpage.

Site looks great in Safari. Oh yeah.

[Posted by ramanan on March 10, 2004 01:58 PM]

This might help those of you with IE that refuse to upgrade, . But right now the article has, of course, /.'d the source.

[Posted by Dave on March 12, 2004 08:19 AM]
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