I've finally posted my new PGP public key. My old one has expired, and although no one has ever sent me an email with it, if you have a copy, use this one instead.
This is my PGP key. You can use it to send me encrypted email. People in shady government organizations like to read your email, so using a program like GnuPG or PGP makes it a little harder for them to get at your oh-so-interesting email message.
I have lots of keys floating around that I do not use and can not revoke. I've been using PGP on and off (mostly off) for a long time now, and it seems everytime I start to use it again, I've lost my old key. This key is the one I'm using now. So if you have another key, don't use it anymore.
fingerprint : 2B96 58EB 71D1 6EBE B8E1 15ED 18C1 A19A 1B71 0377
The fingerprint above should match the fingerprint your crypto-program says my public key has. If this isn't the case then something is not quite right. Perhaps someone has tampered with my public key. Though If this were the case, you would like to think they would also tamper with the fingerprint above.
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP 8.0.3 - not licensed for commercial use: www.pgp.com mQGiBD6drxsRBACdu9ycDg5DvR2pQaryi7QgRdNIBuzKBMWBIQ5lUgdHVxROmuSd /4RPWVr47OoJRlF5ShXTNfkqzvdqtW6k6imRTY4sdZmsRNiBPUlQmEBz/xv2o2te 32cdD8ua8XfLw67pY90tB1i4IGIXlUE63cOX+Po9aGTdEOzeMDrnH3XGOwCg29tB wc7xGciPIudZoO8rhyRzrR8D/AyDyOs05G0mWrGkUB0fc9w7VWGZLker6d9Y9Cy2 aWp6WlfdQAgONibzCvKvO53uzCPeIidLj9AYE8qJOxLnESYjpx6Wvxmg3L4+dDD8 lzeU0v5Kci4h7vjFz32iy653lRynBVmSkUUaBJTJJfLxPvDrWGVNbJIxWwxLaUeW 7XXqA/9MSgOzxwZzm/ZBeTyXANvdRWZW1yue6crqtsVLuknlELs6FfYuysjos4qP KliItMyEpw2ggpAuZLJZdcNn9uyMjwJweOEIBDqqq+Wn9uy7dQhs2ISMPxdGX3R6 3tXYtMvOi1OHjSbY/61pJ3JIsgsKRjVKo1B++hCtI09rpMI6d7QqUmFtYW5hbiBT aXZhcmFuamFuIDxyc2l2YXJhbkB1d2F0ZXJsb28uY2E+iFkEExECABkFAj6drxsE CwcDAgMVAgMDFgIBAh4BAheAAAoJEBjBoZobcQN3tzMAnA7zInrVEDmlnr6HQLGN yMMzJMvTAJwPgyq55oY20XXCMx4NoNnPQ9WMl4hZBBMRAgAZBQI+na8bBAsHAwID FQIDAxYCAQIeAQIXgAAKCRAYwaGaG3EDd7czAKC6Rht4HvpEXQEVn5Xtv/S/XMpN AACglJyPAVd1GyF7sb18bBIQWLBQllS5AQ0EPp2vTBAEANLOtOudVJLpXXXZrdce ud/d9M7cDh9mJqlktL7pYNz2K9nhWgRk2qLpG6anTp83PE0NRBtxek2V2IN3BAZv 8uB7bmPJQmpSwnxtuDEqxXUdWh3sq1gXMkMNIZgwIvWGa7/Txg00Lk3MT7Dhqu3t G+lId+uVbfSsDijv7I1jp5b3AAMFA/4utpsbm/WwYGnYv2bthx5DlGYuoLavAPYx 1TsX4zw+dlRuBJT5fuBVK7WgeA4qAjEQpkBrKHb9BsYSW5ZEBMeWRQzaSMK1MjAp aeMfkE9VcAI3Hn+637xDpyRqH1tVWue5+4awraiGhhgIo3IU9eietyDRIn9KBxnt /zw/OVU9XIhGBBgRAgAGBQI+na9MAAoJEBjBoZobcQN3gz8AniJEFx+vo6GpJgQE 84eUpJX2vOkuAKCqiqo1nBeMCfUoVtePqSy4oUUwoYhGBBgRAgAGBQI+na9MAAoJ EBjBoZobcQN3gz8An06/0TfRkQQ6wPLfOIE5Fwe8SxY5AKCKrtwq1akFA2BDaEjM +GHWbuBLOA== =w5W8 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
PGP is the shiot.
[Posted by ramanan on January 2, 2004 06:49 PM]this is another test comment.
[Posted by ramanan on January 5, 2004 03:22 PM]How did the Movable Type installation go?
[Posted by Dave on January 5, 2004 07:23 PM]It's sort of done. I'm not happy with how the comments and stuff look right now. But I think the rest of the site it quite seamless.
This site is dead. Check out my new web site A Funkaoshi Production.
A simple blog of sorts. Updated sporadically at best. Here you will find my opinions on various topics of interest to me, or the goings on of my day. Yes, it's quite exciting I know.
Next: Back to School.