A painting of me

It was a predictable election, now let’s change the tone on ‘Ford Nation’. ⇒

   28 October 2014, lunch time

If you want to talk about why Ford Nation is still a thing, you have to talk about poverty. You have to talk about how Toronto has allowed parts of the city with the best transit and the most jobs to become wildly unaffordable for pretty much anyone who didn’t win the privilege lottery. You also have to talk about how there are some politicians who don’t really care about any of this, because the people most affected by the city’s inequality don’t vote anyway.

This is important. Until people in the East and West feel less disenfranchised by the political system, people like Ford will always come out on top. At the very least he seems to pay heed to this group while he votes against their best interests.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



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