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Why Software Maker Fog Creek Is Helping Its Competitors Hire Women. ⇒

   5 March 2015, early evening

Given the complexities of the problem and the company’s limited resources, Hall realized she couldn’t just hire more women.

I don’t think the article does a particularly good job explaining why. Their solution seems a bit silly. They have 30 full time developers: no women. It seems like a company that big should be able to hire and train junior people if that’s their main road block to hiring women. That seems more straight forward than running a mentorship program to help women hired elsewhere. (Not to diminish what they are doing here. That’s certainly commendable.)

“The gender imbalance at Fog Creek is not by design.” I’m sure most places with big gender gaps in their employment aren’t actively trying to be malicious here. If the net result of your actions is the same as if you were, though …

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