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Daring Fireball reviews The Apple Watch. ⇒

   8 April 2015, mid-morning

I’m really not interested in a smart watch at all, but i’m curious to see how they develop over the coming years. I wear a watch from Uniform Wares. The “screen” is always on and the battery lasts years. The Apple Watch is a worse at telling the time than the watches that proceed it. Of course, my watch can’t send text messages or let me know if I have an appointment, so that’s the big win for the Apple Watch. I’m not sure that’s enough.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I am mainly curious about what health features they can bake into it. That said I haven’t worn a watch regularly in years. They are just not comfy.

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