A painting of me

A girl I used to know. ⇒

   24 July 2015, mid-morning

There’s a difference between nice and kind. That’s semantics I guess, but it’s how I feel: Nice is the thing that won’t hold up against meanness and coldness and cruelty; kind is the thing that does. It’s not always proportionate to the effort a person puts in either, though sometimes it is. Apply that however you like.

A transgendered women discusses a lot of things, but mostly internet discourse around social justice.

Lots of this “How To Be An Ally To Trans Women” stuff that has sprang up in the last couple years sometimes leaves me feeling really empty, feels so disconnected from the problem every human with a conscience is faced with: of how to be good to the complex people you come face-to-face with in your every day life.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



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