A painting of me

The Oppressive Architecture of the West Bank. ⇒

   25 August 2015, mid-morning

Art and writing by Molly Crabapple on her last trip to Hebron.

Though rock-throwing is often treated as a serious crime when done by Palestinians, no settlers had been arrested. The soldiers stood idly by until, jostling the crowd aside, they cleared the settlers’ path into the Old City. That moment shows how impossible it is to untangle the violence committed by settlers from the mechanisms of the state: The settler throws a rock; the army protects him. The closed streets, the abandoned homes, the cut-up city—this is all for the safety of 600 settlers who live there in defiance of international law. So it is that Sayeed’s house has been taken over by both the settlers and the IDF; so it is that Ghassan’s shop struggles, that Ali Dawabsheh burned to death.

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