A painting of me


   23 April 2005, mid-afternoon

I watched Mamma Mia with Shima last night. The musical takes place at a wedding; the first act is the day before the wedding, the second act is the day of. The story is simple, but funny enough. There aren’t any flashy dance sequences or crazy sets; I don’t think the show needs them. The show is of course written by the two Bs in ABBA. As such, the music is top-notch. It’s interesting to see how they managed to work all the music into the story. I don’t remember the last time I listened to a song by ABBA, but it was really nice to hear so many of them again. I don’t think I appreciate just how strong an emotional attachment I have to the band. I think just like talking smack, loving ABBA is something I picked up from my mother.



  1. I can’t believe you and Shima both misspelled Mamma Mia. You guys are made for eachother.

  2. woops. :s

  3. “I think just like talking smack, loving ABBA is something I picked up from my mother” … Amen brother …

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