A painting of me

All’s Well that Ends Well.

   13 January 2004, terribly early in the morning

Well this is it. Blogger has served me well for many months but I have decided to move on. I recommend blogger whole-heartedly to anyone who wants a nice simple blog. It is by far the easiest to set up and use. I’ll miss it, but I wanted to do stuff it just can’t do now. Please go to my new blog page if you aren’t there already.



  1. how come you changed your index page so it doesn't have your most recent photoblog picture? or is this new format just another test phase?

  2. I actually haven't figured out how i'll make the thumbnails for the photos. The two days I did display the thumbnail, I made them by hand, and the index page was hardcoded to display that particular photo. I will probably change the index page a fair bit more still.

  3. What about an AppleScript? Write one that you drag your new photo onto. The script would resize it in photoshop, save it, then upload it to your server replacing the previous "current_thumb.png" so you don't have to worry about manually changing the index page's html. I used to have a script that I wrote that did that.

  4. That was what I wanted to do! I don't know any apple script though. I guess I will try and figure that out now. I wanted it to resize and crop (by constraining the canvas size) the photo so that it is 150 by 150 pixels.

  5. Are you talking about cropping it, or just shrinking it? Cropping would be a pain to automate, but shrinking the entire image to 150e2 should be easy. What version of Photoshop do you have have? What do you use for FTPing?

  6. Have Photoshop CS (which is version 8.0), and I use fetch to FTP. Cropping I would do by shrinking the canvas after I have reduced the size of the image. I think I can do it by changing the canvas size to 150 by 150, as I don't care what the cropped photo looks like. If I shrink the image down so the smaller dimension has width 150, then I'd only lose a portion of the image when I crop anyways.

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