A painting of me

The Website Obesity Crisis. ⇒

   3 January 2016, evening time

Let’s preserve the web as the hypertext medium it is, the only thing of its kind in the world, and not turn it into another medium for consumption, like we have so many examples of already.Let’s commit to the idea that as computers get faster, and as networks get faster, the web should also get faster.Let’s not allow the panicked dinosaurs of online publishing to trample us as they stampede away from the meteor. Instead, let’s hide in our holes and watch nature take its beautiful course.Most importantly, let’s break the back of the online surveillance establishment that threatens not just our livelihood, but our liberty. Not only here in Australia, but in America, Europe, the UK—in every free country where the idea of permanent, total surveillance sounded like bad science fiction even ten years ago.

Maciej Cegłowski talks about the internet, and of course it is good.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



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