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CNN reports on Bush's criticism of the head Democrat's trip to Syria, but neglects to report on the fact Republicans got their 2 days earlier. ⇒

   4 April 2007, mid-morning

American news is lame.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. There are few possiblities:

    1) Fox News has tilted the field of journalism in the US. By being both extermely right-wing and inaccurate, they have forced changes in CNN and other media outlets who, either conciously or unconciously, are “competing” with Fox News and being more Fox-New-like. i.e. The “if you can’t beat them, join them” paradigm.

    2) Many claim that US media is “liberal” and has a “liberal-bias”, but, perhaps, the opposite is true. The US media has a “conservative-bias. (It is certainly true that “liberal” has different semantics in the US than many other places because their political system is further right than many other “Western” countries).

    3) The US media does, in fact, have a “liberal-bias”, and they adjust their reporting to compensate for this bias. That is, they are overtly critical of Democratic politicians and overtly sycophantic towards Republic politicians. (This hypothesis is taken from The Record of the Paper: How the New York Times Misreports US Foreign Policy, which is a couple years old, but worth reading).

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