Dave looking a bit sinister at Fune.

Dave at Fune

Dave looking a bit sinister at Fune.

This photo is the 100th entry on this photoblog. To mark the occasion, I've posted the first photo I put up on the original site. My plan is to one day move all the photos from the old site to this one, though up until now I've been a little too lazy to do so.

This picture was taken at Fune, a swanky Japanese restaurant downtown. My friends and I went there while I was working at CI Funds for my second co-op work term. I'm guessing it's thanksgiving since Dave is back from Carlton University. The dinner was quite good, though as I recall very expensive. My friends and I haven't been back since. Gonoe is our new swank japanese restaurant of choice. The picture was taken with my Pentax.

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