A Night Sky
Dave at night at Midland and Finch.
Probably the best reason to go to Midland and Finch when we were in high school was Eden, this Bubble-Tea shop which served up a little food on the side. They served this dish they called Japanese Beef Rice — beef, rice, and a raw egg — that was wicked-good. We would always go, and always sit at the same spot in the store, at the front near the window.
If we didn’t get the spot we liked, we would usually get up and leave. If they weren’t serving food, we would usually get up and leave. Sometimes, we would get our spot, the kitchen would be open, but we’d still get up and leave.
We were really sad when they closed the shop down. You can’t get that dish anywhere else it seems (save Gonoe at lunch). I guess people kept on leaving instead of ordering.