A painting of me

A Google Images Pepper

   19 October 2005, the wee hours

Update: This plugin works with Mint 1.14. With Mint 1.2+, please use the Referrer Filter Pepper.

I get a lot of hits from Google images. They end up cluttering up the referrer pane in my copy of Mint. The latest version of Mint lets you filter out domains you don’t want to see in your referrer pane anymore, which is nice and all, but it would still be nice to have these hits tracked somewhere. Being a tech-savvy guy, I thought I would try my hand at writing a plugin for Mint that does this very task, tracking hits from Google Images.

And after reading through some source code, and looking at some php documentation, I ended up with A Google Image Pepper, which you can download right this very minute: googleimagespepper.zip.

The pepper tracks the most recent hits to your site from Google Images:

The recent hits from Google Images to my site, as seen in Mint

The pepper also tracks the most popular images on your site (according to Google Images):

The most popular images according to Google Images on my site, as seen in Mint

I plan to extract the keywords that brought someone to your page, and link to the thumbnails search page rather than the result page, at some later date. The URLs stored in Mint seem to be truncated, which makes this difficult at the moment.

If you have any problems with the pepper, please post a comment in the Mint Forum.



  1. Its funny how the difference between your highest viewed photo and your second highest viewed photo is like 500 hits. The sum of most of the other hits doesn’t even match carvill’s photo.

  2. I’d say you should replace the word “funny” with “kind of disturbing” in Krishna’s comment. The internet makes me uncomfortable sometimes.

    In less gross news, I recently got someone who came to my site after searching for “jiggly-ralph-waldo-emerson”, which amuses me to no end.

  3. Since i’ve started tracking things in Mint, Carvill’s sexy legs is the most popular thing I’ve posted online period. It is the most requested page here, third only to the home page for this site, and the home page for the photoblog.

  4. Excellent Pepper!

  5. That’s the internet for you. Over at Flickr, any image I post with a little skin gets more views than the rest. It can be up for 2 min and accumulate upwards of 20 views.

  6. When I worked at a networking company, we joked that we were building More Porn Faster 2000.

  7. Installed: Nice work!

  8. thanks for the pepper

    when you say “the latest version of Mint lets you filter out domains” in the referrer pane, is that v1.14 or 1.2? I’m running 1.13 and don’t see that option.

  9. Version 1.14. The beta also lets you do this, but you are best to run the latest stable release.

Don't be shy, you can comment too!

Some things to keep in mind: You can style comments using Textile. In particular, *text* will get turned into text and _text_ will get turned into text. You can post a link using the command "linktext":link, so something like "google":http://www.google.com will get turned in to google. I may erase off-topic comments, or edit poorly formatted comments; I do this very rarely.