A painting of me

Funkaoshi: Year 10

   20 November 2013, the wee hours

Ten years is a long time on the Internet. It’s a long time in real life, I suppose. This site turns 10 today.

The glory days of this site were in its early years, 2004-2007. That’s really when I was posting the most, when the site might have had some amount of cachet. Back then the site was linked to from Kottke.org and had a PageRank of 6! I wrote about my life: going to concerts, watching movies, checking out bars, and all the boring stuff in between. It was an impersonal personal site. I linked to stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. Those years were busy for the site.

The early audience for the site was probably other Textpattern users and my friends. I used to write lots of plugins for the Textpattern and was very active on its forum. It kept me busy after I had finished school, but before I had started working. That summer of 2004 was fantastic.

200384 1 7
2004360549 80
201092 971 20
201131 635 4
201242 579 15
201332 496 15

There is more to this blog than posting frequency, though. 10 years is a long time. This blog has been around the entire time I’ve known my wife. We celebrated our 10 year anniversary earlier this year. I posted here the day before our wedding. In the time I’ve run this blog Shima was pregnant and had a baby, who then turned 1 and then 2. I was hit by a mother fucking car! and spent 6 weeks in a cast I’ve watched the city change, and then change some more. I also bought a wireless router, something apparently noteworthy in 2004.

There are lots of posts I like on this site, but the one I think I enjoy the most is about going to an M.I.A. concert back in 2005. (A discussion on Tamil people a few months later makes a nice epilogue.)

10 years! They’ve been great.



  1. Congratulations – it’s a rare thing, keeping a blog going that long, let alone it being so good the whole time. Here’s to ten more.

  2. Ram! I can’t believe it’s been ten years. I found your website through the TextPattern forums. My blog has long since died but I’ve always appreciated your impersonal personal blog. It’s been fun watching things with you and Shima and the baby and job changes and all that.

    The funny thing is, I’ve still never been to Toronto but because of this blog I love that city. When all the Rob Ford madness started making he news here in the States this last few weeks, I was like, well Ram has been talking about that for years. It’s given me a weird connection to a place I’ve never been (but will someday visit!).

    Anyway. Happy ten years. It’s been fun.

    Also, I totally bought a diamond engagement ring.

  3. congrats on the 10 years Ram. I still lurk this ‘blog several times a week.
    and I am amazed at Ben’s revelation.

  4. I bought a diamond engagement ring too—which Shima never wears anymore. God damn it.

    Thanks guys.

    I had originally planned a new modern responsive layout for the site, but got super lazy about it. Also the site works reasonably well on a phone.

  5. Buy her a gold bangles she will definitly wear it :-))))

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