A painting of me

A Complicated Kindness

   7 September 2004, late at night

I really enjoyed A Complicated Kindness. The book is a very bleak look at the life of a teenage Mennonite girl living in a small Mennonite village. To say the book is depressing would be a bit of an understatement. As you read the book you slowly see the heroine Nomi Nickel unravel before you. By the end you are almost begging for things to turn around for her. I don’t want to give away the ending, or anything else about the book, so I will say no more about it. I really do recommend you read it. I picked it up by chance at the Edmonton airport last week, and I am very glad that I did. If you love Catcher in the Rye you most definitely will enjoy this book.

I have 3 more books I plan to read, before getting back to Quicksilver. Damn that book!



  1. BTW Quicksilver was a downer compared to Cryptonomicon. I picked those two after you mentioned it on Funkaoshi.

    I actually enjoyed the second book Confusion more than Quicksilver. I suppose that is to be expected since one really needs to judge the trilogy as a whole.

    I hear that the third book is releasing soonish. Looking forward to picking that up.

    Thanks for introducing me to such a wonderful writer.

  2. Glad to hear you liked Cryptonomicon. I have yet to meet someone who didn’t like it. It’s a crazy book. Quicksilver pisses me off to no end. One day I will get through it. Probably in a month or so I will start it again.

  3. Eh, ram, did you post your blog somewhere? I still find it strange that there are (truly) random people visiting your site and asking for Gmail accounts.

    A testament to your intriguing character, but still strange.

  4. I get lots of hits from Google. Probably the majority of my referrers are from Google. That is probably where all the strangers are coming from. Some people are people who read this site because I make mods for textpattern and post in the textpattern forums as well. I’m not quite sure who reads my site anymore to be honest though

    And this has nothing to do with A Complicated Kindness. You Bastard.

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