A painting of me


   19 January 2025, late morning

I’ve seen Aftersun twice now. The first time alone during my big break, the second time last night with Shima. The film is slow, sweet, and sad. The audience watches a father and daughter on a resort trip in Turkey. The film is also presented, in some ways, as the daughter rewatching video clips recorded during the holiday. And perhaps the whole film is her trying to piece together the time they spent together. The film feels authentic and real, almost documentary. Paul Mescal and Frankie Corio play their parts perfectly. I watched an interview where they didn’t give Corio the entire script, just her parts, so she would be have the same understanding of the holiday as the character. I’m being pretty coy writing about the movie because I think it’s one best enjoyed with no expectations. I love the end of the movie. In some ways the whole movie is a slow build up for the last few moments of the film. You should watch this.

Aftersun official trailer.



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