A painting of me

Blansdowne Buttons FTW!

   22 September 2011, early evening

I always take note when Blansdowne is used in the popular press. I’ve been trying to get people to call my neighbourhood Blansdowne for a while now. It’s actually been far more successful a venture than I had imagined. BlogTO started calling the aera Blansdowne ages ago. (You can see me in the comments patting myself on the back.) Torontoist followed suit some time later. Even TorontoLife has used the name, though somewhat incorrectly—they are so lame. Today I learned that Spacing is making Blansdowne buttons. Not stupid-ass Bloordale Village buttons, but Blansdowne buttons.

That’s what I’m talking about, people.



  1. I demand that you:

    1) Start petitioning city hall to have the name “Blansdowne” added to all street signs in your area.

    2) Launch the Blansdowne Annual Street Festival

    3) Start a Blansdowne community organization and newsletter

    4) Establish several key businesses in the area named things like “Blansdowne Pizza” or “Blansdowne Coffee”

    5) Publish a book about Blansdowne

    Push this thing all the way, man! Then write up an extensive analysis of your single-minded pursuit so that others can learn from you.

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