A painting of me

Bloor and Lansdowne at 1:45 AM

   23 June 2007, the wee hours

I got off the subway at 1:45 AM. I was surprised to see a small group of people getting off with me. I guess people don’t like taking cabs home. I had expected Bloor and Lansdowne to be a bit more shady at this time, but it looked about the same as it always does. I think I need to venture towards Dufferin to see something a bit more sketchy. The walk to my condo, heading towards Dundas West, was without drama.



  1. You just told a story that went like this: I got off the train late in the night. I was surprised to find a group of strangers get off the train with me. And nothing happened.

    I’m not saying it’s bad at all. I’m just amused that this is a story where nothing happened. It’s like Seinfeld in Toronto.

  2. Ben, what you just experienced was a typical B.S. (Before Shima) Ram story. Nothing ever happens in any of them, but they all usually have a hot girl in them… any hot girls in this one, Ram?

  3. Nope. So it’s really just a lame story.

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