A painting of me

Damn Snow

   14 November 2003, the wee hours

It snowed today. I woke up this morning to discover my alarm wasn’t working. The power had gone out in the night I suppose. Lucky for me it was 7:45. I set my clock again to the correct time, re-set my alarm, and went back to bed. I woke up again to discover my alarm wasn’t working. The power had gone out again. This time it was 9:30. I have class at 10:00. More importantly I have an assignment due at 10:00. I started rushing to get ready. Ready to leave, I realized that there was snow everywhere. I don’t know where the hell it came from, since when I went to bed the previous night there was a thunder storm going on.

Now, at 11:20 on a Thursday night, I am writing up solutions to a graph theory assignment, and trying to figure out how to show the Diffie Hellman problem can be solved with an oracle that can compute ax2 given ax. God Damn.



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