19 November 2007, early morning
Jonnie To makes cool Hong Kong triad films. Election is no exception. The movie is about an election taking place in a particular triad to elect its new chairman. Of course, since this is a triad, there is some corruption, and some anger, and a little bit of drama. The movie has a strange pace to it, and the story drags on near the end. Every time you think the movie is done, there is more to the story. I don’t think it’s one of To’s better films, but it is an interesting enough movie. It actually feels very much like the introduction to a much longer series of triad films. There are a ton of characters, each given just enough screen time that you develop a sense of what they are about. There are some really great shots and scenes, which I suppose is true of all his films. To has a great style, and if you are looking for a different take on a triad movie, this one is worth checking out.
Election reviewed at Rotten Tomatoes. (Fixed link)
There is a sequel.
by mk on November 19 2007, 1:17 pm #
Also, your link is to a review from Love HK Film.
by mk on November 19 2007, 1:22 pm #
God damn it. That review sucks too. Why would you tell people how it ends?
by Ramanan on November 19 2007, 1:43 pm #