A painting of me

Google Spam?

   11 May 2004, late at night

I got my first peice of Spam at my Gmail account. More then that, I’m such an idiot because I clicked the stupid link in the spam. Thankfully, it seems to me that the address that the link points to is dead.

Dear Beta Tester,

We are glad to bring you some new features to enhance your beta testing experience here at Gmail. Some of these features include:

? Checking your e-mail via telephone, anywhere in the world. ? A simple, easy to use spam manager where you can filter almost any kind of unwanted e-mail. ? Ability to create unlimited invite codes for all of your friends, so that they may too experience the wide range of diversity of Gmail.

We are proud to announce that all of these features are now available to current beta testers. Unfortunately, we will not be offering these services to members that receive an invitation from this special service. You can activate these features anytime by visiting http://activate.gmail.com/

We encourage you to send your feedback, suggestions and questions to us. But mostly, we hope you’ll enjoy experimenting with Google’s approach to email.

Speedy Delivery,

The Gmail Team

What a fool I am. When in doubt, you should always read the headers of questionable emails.

Delivered-To: chungking@gmail.com
Received: by with SMTP id p15cs1024cwc;
        Sun, 9 May 2004 22:48:19 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with SMTP id o17mr78696cwc;
        Sun, 09 May 2004 22:48:19 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <anonymous@m0.netfirms.com>
Received: from (HELO m6.netfirms.com)
        by mx.gmail.com with SMTP id o9si166803cwc;
        Sun, 09 May 2004 22:48:19 -0700 (PDT)
Received: (qmail 76366 invoked from network); 10 May 2004 05:48:18 -0000
Received: from unknown (
  by m6.netfirms.com with QMQP; 10 May 2004 05:48:18 -0000
Date: 10 May 2004 05:48:18 -0000
Message-ID: <20040510054818.93760.qmail@cgi0>
X-URI: /email.php?name=chungking@gmail.com
X-ID: 2039767
To: chungking@gmail.com
Subject: Increase your Gmail experience!
X-Mailer: maila
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
From: Gmail Team <gmail-noreply@google.com>

If I had read the above header, I would have seen that the message did not originate from Google. Also, the link in the email was to www.googIe-mail.com. Had I bothered to read where the link was going, I would have caught on to the scam.

I wonder how many people got this email.



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