Hipster Halloween
31 October 2008, early morning
It’s Halloween, and tonight I plan to dress like a hipster. This costume works for a couple reasons: I already have enough junk to dress like a hipster: skinny jeans, crazy shoes, thick plastic glasses, vintage t-shirts, etc. I recently purchased this strange vest from PreLoved which may round out the costume. (If you have any other ideas for what a hipster outfit should entail, I’m all ears. Sadly, I still can’t grow an ironic mustache. I may in fact be the only South Indian man unable to grow mustache.) Since my friends already think i’m a hipster, the costume would also be ironic, thereby cementing it as a solid hipster costume. If only I had a fixed gear bike.
you can borrow my bike helmet if you’d like and pretend you have a fixed gear bike.
by sh!ma on October 31 2008, 9:39 am #
Hipsters don’t wear helmets. They wear slightly deconstructed vintage-looking scarves.
I think you can substitute a fixed gear bike with a longboard.
by Iluvitar on October 31 2008, 11:02 am #