iBook Sleeves
8 October 2003, early evening
I am looking to get a sleeve for my iBook. I own a really nice bag from fcuk that I use as a laptop bag, but I think it caused a scuff on the top of my ibook next to the apple logo. Trying to decide what bag I should get. Some ideas I have are: the ZeroShock 12-Inch Notebook Sleeve from Shinza, the Baracuda SportFolio Sleeve from Marware, and the iSleeve12 from Booq Bags. I’m not sure what to get. So if you read this go to the three links, and email me to let me know what you think I should do.
Update: I bought the Shinza ZeroShock sleeve, which is excellent.
Did you decide which iBook bag to get in the end?
I like the Booq one myself, as it has the extra pocket for the power adaptor and other bits which the others don't.
by Simon Eves on January 23 2004, 10:27 pm #