A painting of me

It has been a good day

   28 January 2004, the wee hours

I woke this morning this morning at 7:30, hoping that there would be no school. I have my compilers class at 8:30, and I was in no mood to go to class. Normally I wouldn’t even bother checking to see if it was a snow-day, but today I decided to hope for the best. Lucky for me, it was infact a snow day. I went back to bed, quite content.

I woke up later and went to the mall with Steph and Jen. Shima and I have been going out for a year, and to celebrate the occasion I wanted to get her a dozen roses. While at the mall, I found a nice sweater for 20 bucks, and a pair of FCUK jeans for 30.

I have been stressing over my compilers assignment for a few days now. It still isn’t working, but my partner and I are getting much closer. The assignment was to be due this coming thursday. I say, “was”, because my partner informed me in the evening that we have been given an extension till the 3rd of Febuary.

Shima and I made this stir-fry shrimp salad today, and it turned out really great. Shima got me a really nice watch and a book, a persian book called Layla and Majnun.

It has been a good day.



  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY RAM! All the best! mmmm, roses, nice touch :D hehehe.

    that's just a cool pic, i need to get myself a digital camera. roar!

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