1 April 2004, early afternoon
Here is a link to Kinja, the weblog guide. In particular, it is a link to my user page, which contains the latest posts from blogs that I read.
Kinja lets you make a digest of all the weblogs you read. They have programs that will scan those weblogs and when a new post is made, list the result. Kinja seems a bit imperfect, since Shima’s weblog has yet to show up in my digest. The service is currently a beta release, and is probably still not quite perfect.
KINJA sucks!!! :( it doesn’t “make a digest for (my) blog” 8o|
by sh!ma on April 3 2004, 11:50 pm #
Yeah. I’m actually a bit disappointed with Kinja as well. It’s a big mess to read. What I want is something where the titles of the links in my header contain a last-updated time-stamp from each of the people in my list of links.
by ramanan on April 10 2004, 4:09 am #
I continue to find that Kinja works very poorly even after all these months. It simply does not work properly. What a disappointment!!!
I am ready to jump to better competitor. Can anybody recommend a site like Kinja that actually works?
by Aaron on July 27 2005, 1:48 pm #
I use Bloglines now. It’s much better in my opinion.
by ramanan on July 27 2005, 2:26 pm #