A painting of me

No taxation without an extensive LRT system!

   28 March 2017, late evening

Clearly arguments need to get far stupider if the city is going to avoid building this Scarborough subway. (Well really, there is no way this thing is going to get built because at some point some level of government is going to actually have to write a cheque and is not going to want to spend that much money on something that’s clearly a boondoggle. Presumably, anyway.)

My cousin has started writing slogans. Get these plastered on bus shelters and we’re golden.

A rail network for Scarborough! From Victoria Park to Pickering! From Markham to Lake Ontario! A rail network in every pot! Light! Rail!

Buses are for school children! Subways are for elitist snobs! Scarborough deserves a full light rail network. Real transit for real people.

Get Scarborough out of buses and into trains. Scarborough deserves a fast, modern light rail transit system.

Why should hardworking people of Scarborough pay billions plus spend more time on buses so Town Centre elites can have their own personal subway?

That last one is my favourite.



  1. Hahahaha.

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