A painting of me

Macworld January 2006

   10 January 2006, mid-afternoon

I think Apple has a warehouse full of new Intel powered Macintosh computers. They have already developed Intel versions of all of their computer lines. The rumors were running wild with what would be announced at this expo. Apple more or less released the exact opposite of what people were expecting. Intel iBooks? You wish, we have MacBook Pros now. An Intel mini? No dice, we have new Intel iMacs. (Nevermind that the last revision of the iMac is something like 2 months old now.) It will be interesting to see just how fast these new machines are. The chips are all dual core (which is like having two different CPUs inside one chip) and each core is apparently faster than a G5.

MacRumors provided good coverage of the expo, as usual.



  1. I think I know what I want for my birthday! :P

  2. Meeee tooooooo. Hopefully I can get a 20” IMac before the end of the month.

  3. This message typed on a 5 month old iMac.

    Goodbye, world.

  4. Well, Apple always introduces some high quality and relatively expensive products… Is there anyone working 24/7 to compete with Apple for its iPod?

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