A painting of me


   23 January 2006, lunch time

I watched Munich on Saturday with Carvill and Mezan. I had pretty high expectations for the film after watching the kick-ass trailer. The movie is about an autonomous group of Mossad agents hunting down the terrorists who were involved in the murder of the Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics. The movie is quite good, but not as good as I would have hoped. Everyone does a good job playing there respective parts, and the storyline is interesting, I just felt the film was missing something. I have been told that Sword of Gideon is a better retelling of this story, so I will need to check that out some time. Both Munich and Sword of Gideon are based on the book Vegence, by G. Jonas. I still think this film is worth watching. It is a good spy movie.

The official Munich home page.



  1. The movie is quite good, but not as good as I would have hoped. Everyone does a good job playing there respective parts, and the storyline is interesting, I just felt the film was missing something.

    That’s an accurate/good description.

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