Obsessive? Me? More Moveable Type News.
17 May 2004, terribly early in the morning
I’ve spent 40 minutes listening to an interview with Ben and Mena Trott of SixApart and Moveable Type fame. The interview was done a week before the chaos that followed the release of Moveable Type 3.0. The interview is well done, and gives you some of the history of the product, and its current direction. I’m actually surprised at how emotional the interview gets at times. Also surprising is how much the interview foreshadows events that would happen a week later. If you’re as bored, as I’ve been recently, you should give it a listen. The two come off as quite pleasant and passionate about their product. [via Mena’s Corner]
mmmm.. yes i think i can say that you are officially obsessed! :P but thats why i like you. :)
by sh!ma on May 17 2004, 12:45 pm #