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Opinions on Smallville Season 2

   13 July 2004, late afternoon

I basically stopped watching Smallville when I went back to Waterloo last year. I missed all of season 3. I also missed the second half of season 2 for the same reason. When I was in Waterloo living with Lien and Cathy I would end up watching reality television instead. I’ve been watching the DVDs for season 2, and have now reached the first episode I missed.

The first new episode I watched was the episode where Whitney returns from the war. The episode ends with Lex telling Helen, the drop kicking doctor, that he doesn’t want to become his father. I think it’s the first point in the show that you see Lex truly vulnerable. The scene plays out quite well. I think the actor who plays Lex does an excellent job with the character. He is definitely the most interesting person on the show.

I have about 13 more episodes left to watch for this season. I haven’t decided whether to wait for season 3 to come out on DVD, or to download them. I’m torn.



  1. hi there!

    just wondering if you still have the copies of SV seasons 1 & 2? i already have the seasons 3 and 4… if you want to trade yours? thanks… hoping to hear from you very soon..

  2. Do you still have Smallville season 4? If you still need 1-3 I have them to trade.

  3. I’m planning on buying the DVD set of Season 4 when it comes out. I have all the other seasons on DVD.

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