A painting of me


   10 October 2004, early afternoon

Pit is apparently a very old game, created by Parker Brothers in 1919. The game is supposed to simulate the hustle and bustle of the commodities exchange. The game is somewhat like spoons, but more entertaining.

We played it for a very long time last night. Dave won by a good margin. The results for each round are presented below.

Ramanan Carvill Martha Krishna Dave
0 0 0 0 0
-20 0 -20 40 100
-40 -20 80 40 100
-40 -20 80 80 60
-60 -20 80 140 40
-10 -20 80 140 20
-10 -20 60 140 90
-10 -20 60 120 165
-10 -20 60 190 125
-30 55 40 190 125
-30 55 20 190 165
-30 35 20 190 235
-30 35 0 170 275
-30 95 -20 170 255
120 75 -20 170 255
100 75 -20 170 455
80 145 -20 100 455
80 205 -40 100 435
80 265 -80 100 435
80 305 -80 100 395
180 305 -100 100 375
180 305 -100 100 415
140 305 -100 100 475
120 305 -120 200 475
120 285 -140 300 475
120 325 -140 280 455
100 385 -140 260 455
80 385 -80 240 455
60 365 -80 240 515
40 365 -100 240 575
20 345 -30 240 575
20 345 -30 240 595
20 345 -50 290 695
20 345 -50 270 735
0 345 -70 270 775
-40 345 -70 310 775
-40 345 -70 390 975
-40 445 -70 250 975
-40 445 -110 250 1005
35 425 -110 230 1005
15 425 -130 230 1065
15 385 -130 230 1105
85 385 -150 230 1105

A graph showing how people did over time is presented below. As you can see, Dave was the clear winner. Martha was doing not so hot.

Pit Scores

In Pit, it is quite easy for your fortunes to change. For example, we can see that Carvill was doing quite poorly for the first half of the game, and then managed to turn things around by the end. Krishna had a lot of early sucess, but ended up loosing much of his momentum. I was doing poorly for most of the game, with a few wins to my credit. Martha had a reasonable start, and then ended up loosing for much of the rest of the game.

I think I’ll have to invest in a deluxe edition of Pit; Dave’s copy from the 70s is starting to show a little wear and tear.



  1. Its true. Especially after I ripped one of the most important cards in the game. It wasn’t too bad though. People noticed in the beginning, but near the end no one has any idea what they are getting.

  2. I lost only because evil people kept giving me the bull or bear in the last trade every time before Dave yelled “Corner!”
    Or it could have been the martini…

    Oh yeah, Dave “won”, not “one”. =)

  3. I should be a stockbroker. It’s just like this in real life, right?

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