A painting of me

Scott Pilgrim

   27 March 2009, early morning

I finally grabbed a copy of Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe yesterday. This book is the 5th in the series. I cracked it open, started reading, and quickly realized I had forgotten way too much of the story. Who the hell is Wallace? And Julie? Today on the bus I re-read volume 1. It’s still really awesome. Scott Pilgrim is set in Toronto, and is about a 23 year old boy in a lame band who starts dating a mysterious American girl called Ramona. The one catch is that to date her he needs to defeat her 7 evil ex-boyfriends. (And, break up with his highschool-aged girlfriend.) The story seems like a gentle introduction to Manga for people who wouldn’t normally read the stuff. It has that same quirky feel to it. I love that the book is set in Toronto. The characters go to Sneaky Dees and Honest Ed’s. What’s not to like? The art is typical Manga art, and the writing is very funny and at times touching. I think everyones probably read this comic by now, but if not, go buy it now. I’m going to have to read up on Bryan Lee O’Malley’s annotations of the book.



  1. I think they are making a live action movie too.

  2. They are currently filming around town, aren’t they?

    Also, I love Scott Pilgrim.

  3. Oh cool, they are making a movie..sweet!

  4. Yup and it stars George Michael Junior I believe

  5. Edgar Wright is directing it.

  6. Woo, sounds cool. I will read it when I have the chance.

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