A painting of me


   10 May 2005, lunch time

I’m in love with the Shoestrings. I can’t stop listening to their CD.

I first heard them when I was in Waterloo for my first year of university. I was living with a fellow called Steve who wanted to go see a fellow called Momus at what would end up being my favourite place in Waterloo, Jane Bond. Momus is a one-eyed synth pop-star song-writer extraordinaire. I enjoyed his performance, but was more in love with the soft-spoken Japanese French starlet Kahimi Karie. I thought her wispy voice and bubbly pop music was excellent. I bought her CD KKKKK as soon as her set was finished. It came with another album, a compilation called Was it Him or His Music. My favourite track on that CD was The theme from Kiss Me Goodnight. The song is sappy, but thoroughly charming.

5 or 6 Years later, Le Grande Magistery re-launched their web site. Le Grande Magistery are the same label Stars put music out on way back when. CDs on the site were on sale for $15 bucks, which included shipping to Canada. I hate paying for shipping. It’s the biggest scam in the world of e-commerce. The free shipping was enough for me to shell out my money for the Shoestrings first CD. I hadn’t heard anything on the CD, and the sample MP3 on the site didn’t work, but I guessed it would be good.

And the CD is good. It opens with a short acoustic song, Rollercoaster, featuring the feminine half of the Shoestrings, Rose, singing a few words. It then jumps into a bouncy pop number Coffee. My favourite track on the CD is Whipped, a canonical pop-song if there ever was one. The music is quite light and accoustic for the most part. The album ends with a more melancholy number 1st Grade Love Affair, which still seems to fit with the spirit of the album.

You can grab a copy of the CD from Le Grand Magistery. I imagine they aren’t going to press another one anytime soon, so you should grab a copy while you can.

When I feel your presence
brush along side my body
I feel, I feel content.
When you whisper in my ear
I hear the oceans in the sea shells
I feel, I feel content. — Oceans In the Sea Shell by Shoestrings



  1. Hi, Pedro here from Portugal. I’ve been trying to find a track for a long time by shoestrings called “1st grade love affair.” Would you mind emialing it to me? It would be awesome.

    Take care, P.

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