A painting of me

Summerfest 2004

   13 June 2004, evening time

I went to Waterloo this weekend to attend Summerfest. Summerfest is the big party the Federation of Students throws every summer at Fed Hall, Waterloo’s on-campus night club. Since Fed is closed during the summer, it is usually a very busy night.

I went with Shima and Gary, and met up with Victor in line. He was there with Wendy and Jen, who I hadn’t seen in ages. Patrick showed up shortly after, and we had a few drinks as we discussed the fact Fed was so empty. Last year there was a sea of people everywhere—if you were out on the patio, you couldn’t get back inside, the line up was so ridiculous. This year the patio was empty, as was most of the dance floor. It eventually filled up a little bit, but still no where near the number of people I was expecting.

update: I should also note that I saw so many random people I would never expect to see out. I saw my friend Nadia for starters. I met Nadia when she was in grade 9, and I was in grade 12, at some computer conference all the Scarborough schools with SGI computers were allowed to attend. Nadia works at Music World, so I see her once in a blue moon. I was surprised to see her at Summerfest; I wasn’t sure it was her at first. I try to make it a point not to talk to people I think I know, because more often then not, I don’t know them. However, this time, she saw me looking her way and nodded or something. In all honesty, I was pretty drunk about an hour into the night, so I don’t really recall. I also saw Casandra, who was the super tall girl that played Gitz at Metro square. (You know, one of the many women Mike used to hang out with.) I also don’t remember what I said to her, but I introduced her to everyone we were with. She’s still super tall. Finally I saw Ahilan’s friend Nadia, one of the prettier girls at Waterloo. She was there with another of Ahilan’s friends, Seema. I for the life of me can’t remember what I said to her at all. I just remember grabbing her arm to get her attention, and talking for a few minutes.

The rest of the weekend was probably more entertaining. I had lunch with Gary, Michelle and Shima at Shandiz, which was excellent as usual. Shandiz is my favourite restaurant in Waterloo.

The owner of Shandiz reflection on the glass of the food counter

We loitered at the mall after, where I bought an Astrud Gilberto album, which I am listening to now.

Shima and I went to Jeff’s for dinner, and we got to see Liz’s new bunny rabbit. Matt joined us there as well. We tired unsucessfully to get Matt to come out with us, but apparently he is overwhelmed with school. He probably made the right choice staying in, since Summerfest was really unexceptional. While at Jeff’s, Shima also discovered presidents choice green apple soda, which tastes like candy. Shima has a serious sweet tooth.

Today I’ve managed to do nothing, though I have an overdue video due at blockbuster I should probably return.



  1. What’s the deal with Victor? I’ve only ever seen him with Wendy and Jen since high school. What’s he been up to?

  2. that sucked that it sucked.. summerfest that is…. boooerns.

  3. If it rocked it’d be booerns but since it didn’t, it should be a regular booo, no?

  4. I’m sure I heard an Astrud Gilberto recording in Starbuck’s today, I was wondering if it was Joao Gilberto’s daughter singing (I was close, Astrud used to be his wife, she IS The Girl From Impanema). How cool you wrote about it today too.

  5. Bebel recently came out with a new album. Have you heard her first, Tanto Tempo?

  6. Tanto Tempo is awesome. I have it on my iPod. This CD is quite good too.

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