If you always get up late
You’ll never be on time
If you always get up late
You’re never gonna be on time
And that’s a shame
Cause I like you
I never see you.
—Swimmers by Broken Social Scene
If you always get up late
You’ll never be on time
If you always get up late
You’re never gonna be on time
And that’s a shame
Cause I like you
I never see you.
—Swimmers by Broken Social Scene
‘Getting up late’, is just looking at ‘Getting up early’ in a different light.
by Iluvitar on December 23 2005, 6:38 pm #
I couldn’t agree more. (Also, this song is so good; it has to be the best song on the new Broken Social Scene album.)
by ramanan on December 24 2005, 4:32 pm #
it’s honest
by alyssa on June 24 2006, 7:30 pm #