A painting of me

The Very White Album

   1 April 2008, early morning

Cathy used to work at a small software company with a fellow, Darrin Rose, who decided one day to become a stand-up comedian. I’m not sure how you make that leap, but it seems to have been a good choice on his part: he’s quite funny. Rose, along with Graham Chittenden and Jeff McEnery put out a CD called the Very White Album. Cathy, Patrick, and I went to the CD release party last night at the Gladstone. All three dudes were quite funny. (The opening acts were funny too — bonus!) This was actually the first time I’ve been to a comedy show live. I need to do this more often.



  1. students from the humber college comedy prorgam used to do a night at the rivoli (mondays?). i don’t know if it’s still on, but it was pretty hilarious seeing would-be comics trying out their new material.

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