Unofficial Graduate
26 May 2004, early afternoon
I checked my unofficial transcript today, as I need to send it off to a company I am applying to work for. Nothing has changed, except at the top, it now says:
– - – Degrees Awarded – - –
Degree : Bachelor of Mathematics
Confer Date : 2004-06-19
Degree Honours: With Distinction
Plan : Combinatorics & Optimization, Honours, Co-operativ
Plan : Computer Science, Honours, Co-operative Program
Looks like I did get my double major. I was always worried I was counting courses wrong. I’ll get my degree on June 19th, then I’ll be an official graduate.
yay :)
i’m dating a smarty pants! :D he he he
by sh!ma on May 26 2004, 2:44 pm #
by Don Knuth on May 26 2004, 3:30 pm #
Just don’t let your education (or job) get in the way of watching brilliant movies.
... okay, I’m just kidding. :)
by Tim Macalpine on May 27 2004, 1:00 am #
Since finishing school I have seen so many movies it borders on ridiculous. I watched 2 more today.
by ramanan on May 27 2004, 5:20 am #
Congratulations, Ramanan.
by hass on May 27 2004, 11:39 am #
Congrats. I was going to get a minor until they changed the requirements in my last year and told me to screw off.
by Dave on June 2 2004, 2:15 am #