A painting of me

Funkaoshi: Year 4

   27 November 2007, mid-morning

I’m a week late for this site’s anniversary; November 20th 2003 is the day I consider to be the first day of funkaoshi.com. (I summed up the history of the site reasonably well the day it turned 1 year old.) This site has been online for 4 years and change now. That seems like a long time. The site hasn’t changed too much in those 4 years. I watch a lot less movies now then I used to, which sucks, but otherwise I think the site still has the same vibe. Lots of inane posts with me bitching about America mixed in. (I actually feel like I’ve toned down the bitching about America a lot, but that might just be in my head.) At times I feel like I should redo this layout, but I just can’t bring myself to do it.



  1. Happy Birthday Funkaoshi!

  2. Does that mean we’ll have some cake to celeberate tonight? :o

  3. Well seeing as though we haven’t had cake any of the other years, I’m going to have to go with: hells yes. We’ll need to eat 4 cakes.

  4. Four Cakes? Really? I’m so excited! Can we have three chocolate cakes and one strawberrry cheese cake? Please?

  5. Man i want cake ;;
    Happy WebPageBirthday!

  6. Happy Cake!!!

    Umm, I mean birthday…

  7. I’d travel to Toronto for red velvet cake. Happy birthday!

    justonepen.org turns 5 in February. Weird. Although I started fresh after I hit 100,000 words, so the content doesn’t go back that far, unless you are in the Wayback Machine…

  8. congrats! best feature of the site at the moment is the preview picture for your photoblog…it’s like you’re watching me at work. WEIRD.

  9. happy birthday funkaoshi! (what does it mean?)

  10. I posted that photo on purpose because I figured if I wasn’t going to update that blog very often, I should at least have a photo that would make sense when you see the preview here.

    Also, I am watching you at work.

    Funkaoshi doesn’t mean anything. Funakoshi is a character from Fist of Legend, the greatest Jet Li film ever. My friends and I just misread his name the first 4-5 times we watched this movie.

    5 years is a long time. My photoblog is a month shy of being online for 5 years. Of course, it’s been very much neglected for a good chunk of those.

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