A painting of me

March Madness at the White House. ⇒

   18 March 2009, early afternoon

How can I stay mad at Obama. I love this guy. This link was found via Dinu.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I guess a President should practice his decision-making wherever he can.

  2. I can’t decide which part I love the most, that they used the heading “All the President’s Picks”, or that they term him the “First Hoops Fan”.

    My mancrush on Obama knows no bounds.

  3. Are they all wearing green ties?

  4. Yes. There is a green themed holiday that happens on the 17th. People drink beer.

  5. What does one call such a ritual?

  6. I believe it’s referred to as “Persian New Year’s Eve.”

  7. Very funny Dave. NOT! 8o|

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