A painting of me

Persian New Year 2009 on Vimeo. ⇒

   23 March 2009, early morning

My third time-lapse video. Unlike my previous two efforts, this was all shot from the same spot at a fixed interval (3 photos a minute). Shima and I had people over Sunday for Persian New Year. Sadly, the battery died during the busiest portion of the day, during the afternoon.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. that’s cool. I looked like I was having a seizure.

  2. My arms flail around a lot when I’m chatting with Matt. And I have bad posture.

  3. that was neat :)

  4. woah…the party really died after charlie and i left.

  5. What kind of party could we really have with no Charlie? Everyone was being a goof.

  6. Hey Matt, do you think Charlie would like Quop The Fish?

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