A painting of me

STFU, Marrieds. ⇒

   23 March 2009, late at night

Yet another reason why Facebook is the suck.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. i’m pretty sure you can’t complain about facebook now that you’re on there.

  2. Nah, my plan is to continue complaining till the site implodes on itself. I did learn that Lisa knows my friend Ruth from grade school. How strange is that?

  3. Haha. (I’m laughing but cringing at the same time)

  4. uggghhhhhhhh.
    I’m glad i was never like that. I will slap you if you and shima become like that.

  5. Shima only uses Facebook to untag herself from photos. I only use Facebook to post song lyrics and nonsense as status updates so it’s probably not going to happen.

  6. I don’t just untag myself. I also use it to look at people’s vacation pictures.

  7. me 2…but people aren’t going on many interesting vacation spots these days

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