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Ask.Mefi: What are the best techno albums since 1990? ⇒

   25 March 2009, mid-morning

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. When I read “I mean “techno” in the stricter sense of the term”, and scrolled through the responses, I was initally unnerved, but the variety of musical styles that people are coming back with is really quite fascinating.

    I even found something worth checking out, but unfortunately it’s not a full-length like Thomas Brinkmann’s venture.

    Bigups on this link. It actually made me wish I had a metafilter account so I could participate.

  2. I can post your reply if you like. I was going to recommend the poster listen to Knights of the Jaguar 10 times. I may still do that.

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