A painting of me

Canadian SEX Acts. ⇒

   25 March 2009, early afternoon

Surprisingly safe for work. According to Dinu this is from How I Met Your Mother.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. yep, the show has a Canadian character and loves to make fake website tie-ins. Hilarity often ensues. My hands-down fave is 2 girls, 1 Stanley Cup, which also has the best Thicke picture after the link.

  2. Yeah, I groan a little bit whenever they mention a URL in the show, because it means they’ve put together a tie-in site. It’s the show advertising ads for the show.

    That said, I’m totally on board with random Alan Thicke appearances.

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